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Um mit der Konfiguration von Starship zu beginnen, musst du die folgende Datei erstellen: ~/.config/starship.toml.

mkdir -p ~/.config && touch ~/.config/starship.toml

Die gesamte Konfiguration von Starship erfolgt in dieser TOML-Datei:


# Editor Vervollständigungen basierend auf dem Konfigurations-Schema erhalten
"$schema" = ''

# Fügt eine Leerzeile zwischen den Eingabeaufforderungen ein
add_newline = true

# Ersetzt das '❯' Zeichen in der Prompt mit '➜'
[character] # Der name des Moduls das wir ändern ist 'character'
success_symbol = '[➜](bold green)' # Der 'success_symbol' Teil wird auf '➜' mit der farbe 'bold green' gesetzt

# Deaktiviert das "package" Modul, damit es in der Eingabeaufforderung nicht mehr zu sehen ist
disabled = true

Ort der Konfigurationsdatei

Du kannst die voreingestellte Konfigurations-Datei mit der STARSHIP_CONFIG Umgebungsvariable verändern:

export STARSHIP_CONFIG=~/example/non/default/path/starship.toml

Äquivalent ist in der Windows PowerShell diese Zeile zum $PROFILE hinzuzufügen:

$ENV:STARSHIP_CONFIG = "$HOME\example\non\default\path\starship.toml"

Oder für Cmd (Windows) diese Zeile (wieder zur starship.lua):

os.setenv('STARSHIP_CONFIG', 'C:\\Users\\user\\example\\non\\default\\path\\starship.toml')


Standardmäßig protokolliert Starship Warnungen und Fehler in einer Datei names ~/.cache/starship/session_${STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY}.log, wobei der session key zu der Instanz deines Terminals korrespondiert. Das kann jedoch durch die Nutzung der STARSHIP_CACHE Umgebungsvariable verändert werden:

export STARSHIP_CACHE=~/.starship/cache

Äquivalent ist in der Windows PowerShell diese Zeile zum $PROFILE hinzuzufügen:

$ENV:STARSHIP_CACHE = "$HOME\AppData\Local\Temp"

Oder für Cmd (Windows) diese Zeile (wieder zur starship.lua):

os.setenv('STARSHIP_CACHE', 'C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Temp')


Modul: Eine Komponente in der Eingabeaufforderung, welche Informationen basierend auf Kontextinformationen deines Betriebssystems angibt. Beispielsweise zeigt das "nodejs" Module die Version von Node.js, welches derzeitig auf deinem Computer installiert ist, an, falls dein derzeitiger Ordner ein Node.js Projekt ist.

Variable: Eine kleinere Unterkomponente, welche Information des Moduls enthält. Zum Beispiel enthält die Variable "version" im Modul "nodejs" die aktuelle Version von Node.js.

Die meisten Module haben einen Präfix der standardmäßigen terminal-Farbe (z.B. via in "nodejs") und ein Leerzeichen als Suffix.


In der TOML Syntax werden Zeichenketten mit ', ", ''', oder """ eingesetzt.

Die folgende Starship Syntax Symbole haben eine spezielle Rolle in einem String, und müssen demnach als Spezialzeichen markiert werden, um als normales Zeichen angezeigt zu werden: $ [ ] ( ).

'literal stringless escaping
"stringmore escaping
'''multi-line literal stringless escaping
"""multi-line stringmore escaping, newlines in declarations can be ignored

Hier sind ein paar Beispiele:

# literal string
format = '☺\☻ '

# regular string
format = "☺\\☻ "

# escaping Starship symbols
format = '\[\$\] '

When using line breaks, multi-line declarations can be used. For example, if you want to print a $ symbol on a new line, the following values for format are equivalent:

# with literal string
format = '''


# with multiline basic string
format = """


# with basic string
format = "\n\\$"

In multiline basic strings, newlines can be used for formatting without being present in the value by escaping them.

format = """

Formatierte Strings

Formatierte Strings sind das Format, mit dem ein Modul all seine Variablen ausgibt. Die meisten Module haben den Eintrag format, welcher das anzeige-Format des Moduls konfiguriert. Du kannst Texte, Variablen und Textgruppen in einem formatierten string benutzen.


Eine Variable besteht aus dem $ Symbol und dem Namen der Variable. The name of a variable can only contain letters, numbers and _.

Hier sind ein paar Beispiele:

  • '$version' is a format string with a variable named version.
  • '$git_branch$git_commit' is a format string with two variables named git_branch and git_commit.
  • '$git_branch $git_commit' has the two variables separated with a space.


Eine Textgruppe besteht aus zwei verschiedenen Teilen.

Der erste Teil, welcher innerhalb eckiger Klammern [] ist, ist ein formatierter string. Du kannst ihm Texte, Variablen oder sogar verschachtelte Textgruppen hinzufügen.

Der zweite Teil ist innerhalb normaler Klammern () und ist einstyle string. Dies kann verwendet werden, um den ersten Teil zu gestalten.

Hier sind ein paar Beispiele:

  • '[on](red bold)' will print a string on with bold text colored red.
  • '[⌘ $version](bold green)' will print a symbol followed by the content of variable version, with bold text colored green.
  • '[a [b](red) c](green)' will print a b c with b red, and a and c green.


Die meisten Module in Starship lassen dich den Darstellungsstil verändern. Dies passiert meistens an einem bestimmten Eintrag (gewöhnlich style genannt), der einen String mit den Einstellungen darstellt. Es folgen ein paar Beispiele für solche Strings zusammen der mit Beschreibungen, was sie bewirken. For details on the full syntax, consult the advanced config guide.

  • 'fg:green bg:blue' sets green text on a blue background
  • 'bg:blue fg:bright-green' sets bright green text on a blue background
  • 'bold fg:27' sets bold text with ANSI color 27
  • 'underline bg:#bf5700' sets underlined text on a burnt orange background
  • 'bold italic fg:purple' sets bold italic purple text
  • '' explicitly disables all styling

Wie genau sich diese Konfiguration auswirkt liegt an deinem Terminal-Emulator. Einige Emulatoren zum Beispiel werden die Farben erhellen statt Text dick zu machen, und ein paar Farbthemen benutzen dieselben Werte für normale und helle Farben. Für kursiven Text muss dein Terminal Kursivschrift unterstützen.

Bedingte Formatierung

Ein Formatierungszeichenkette (string) in ( and ) eingeklammert wird nicht ausgewertet wenn alle darin benutzten Variablen leer oder undefiniert sind.

Hier sind ein paar Beispiele:

  • '(@$region)' will show nothing if the variable region is None or empty string, otherwise @ followed by the value of region.
  • '(some text)' will always show nothing since there are no variables wrapped in the braces.
  • When $combined is a shortcut for \[$a$b\], '($combined)' will show nothing only if $a and $b are both None. This works the same as '(\[$a$b\] )'.

Negative matching

Many modules have detect_extensions, detect_files, and detect_folders variables. These take lists of strings to match or not match. "Negative" options, those which should not be matched, are indicated with a leading '!' character. The presence of any negative indicator in the directory will result in the module not being matched.

Extensions are matched against both the characters after the last dot in a filename, and the characters after the first dot in a filename. For example, will be matched against bar.tar.gz and gz in the detect_extensions variable. Files whose name begins with a dot are not considered to have extensions at all.

To see how this works in practice, you could match TypeScript but not MPEG Transport Stream files thus:

detect_extensions = ['ts', '!video.ts', '!audio.ts']


Dies ist eine Liste mit Prompt-weiten Konfigurationsoptionen.


formatlinkDas Aussehen des Prompts festlegen.
right_format''See Enable Right Prompt
scan_timeout30Timeout für das Scannen von Dateien (in Millisekunden).
command_timeout500Maximale Zeit für von Starship ausgeführte Kommandos.
add_newlinetrueFügt leere Zeilen zwischen Shell Prompts ein.
palette''Sets which color palette from palettes to use.
palettes{}Collection of color palettes that assign colors to user-defined names. Note that color palettes cannot reference their own color definitions.
follow_symlinkstrueFollows symlinks to check if they're directories; used in modules such as git.


If you have symlinks to networked filesystems, consider setting follow_symlinks to false.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

# Use custom format
format = '''
[┌───────────────────>](bold green)
[│](bold green)$directory$rust$package
[└─>](bold green) '''

# Wait 10 milliseconds for starship to check files under the current directory.
scan_timeout = 10

# Disable the blank line at the start of the prompt
add_newline = false

# Set 'foo' as custom color palette
palette = 'foo'

# Define custom colors
# Overwrite existing color
blue = '21'
# Define new color
mustard = '#af8700'

Vordefiniertes Aussehen des Prompts

The default format is used to define the format of the prompt, if empty or no format is provided. Die Standardwerte sind folgende:

format = '$all'

# Which is equivalent to
format = """

If you just want to extend the default format, you can use $all; modules you explicitly add to the format will not be duplicated. Eg.

# Move the directory to the second line
format = '$all$directory$character'


Das aws Modul zeigt die aktuelle AWS Region und Profil sowie den Ablauf-Timer an, wenn temporäre Zugangsdaten verwendet werden. Die Ausgabe des Moduls verwendet die AWS_REGION, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION und AWS_PROFILE Umgebungsvariablen sowie die ~/. ws/config und ~/.aws/credentials Dateien, falls nötig.

The module will display a profile only if its credentials are present in ~/.aws/credentials or if a credential_process, sso_start_url, or sso_session are defined in ~/.aws/config. Alternatively, having any of the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, or AWS_SESSION_TOKEN env vars defined will also suffice. If the option force_display is set to true, all available information will be displayed even if no credentials per the conditions above are detected.

When using aws-vault the profile is read from the AWS_VAULT env var and the credentials expiration date is read from the AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION env var.

When using awsu the profile is read from the AWSU_PROFILE env var.

When using AWSume the profile is read from the AWSUME_PROFILE env var and the credentials expiration date is read from the AWSUME_EXPIRATION env var.

When using saml2aws the expiration information obtained from ~/.aws/credentials falls back to the x_security_token_expires key.

When using aws-sso-cli the profile is read from the AWS_SSO_PROFILE env var.


format'on [$symbol($profile )(\($region\) )(\[$duration\] )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol'☁️ 'Symbol das vor dem aktuellen AWS-Profil angezeigt wird.
region_aliases{}Tabelle der Regionaliasen, die zusätzlich zum AWS-Namen angezeigt werden sollen.
profile_aliases{}Table of profile aliases to display in addition to the AWS name.
style'bold yellow'Stil für dieses Modul.
expiration_symbol'X'Das Symbol, das angezeigt wird, wenn die temporären Anmeldeinformationen abgelaufen sind.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das aws-Modul.
force_displayfalseIf true displays info even if credentials, credential_process or sso_start_url have not been setup.


regionap-northeast-1Die aktuelle AWS-Region
profileastronautsDas aktuelle AWS Profil
duration2h27m20sGültigkeitsdauer der temporären Anmeldeinformationen
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


Alles anzeigen

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'on [$symbol($profile )(\($region\) )]($style)'
style = 'bold blue'
symbol = '🅰 '
ap-southeast-2 = 'au'
us-east-1 = 'va'
CompanyGroupFrobozzOnCallAccess = 'Frobozz'

Region anzeigen

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'on [$symbol$region]($style) '
style = 'bold blue'
symbol = '🅰 '
ap-southeast-2 = 'au'
us-east-1 = 'va'

Profil anzeigen

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'on [$symbol$profile]($style) '
style = 'bold blue'
symbol = '🅰 '
Enterprise_Naming_Scheme-voidstars = 'void**'


The azure module shows the current Azure Subscription. This is based on showing the name of the default subscription or the username, as defined in the ~/.azure/azureProfile.json file.


format'on [$symbol($subscription)]($style) 'The format for the Azure module to render.
symbol'󰠅 'The symbol used in the format.
style'blue bold'The style used in the format.
disabledtrueDisables the azure module.
subscription_aliases{}Table of subscription name aliases to display in addition to Azure subscription name.


Display Subscription Name

# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = false
format = 'on [$symbol($subscription)]($style) '
symbol = '󰠅 '
style = 'blue bold'

Display Username

# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = false
format = "on [$symbol($username)]($style) "
symbol = "󰠅 "
style = "blue bold"

Display Subscription Name Alias

# ~/.config/starship.toml

very-long-subscription-name = 'vlsn'


Das battery Modul zeigt, wie hoch der Akku des Geräts geladen ist und den aktuellen Ladestatus. Das Modul ist nur sichtbar, wenn der Akku des Geräts unter 10% geladen ist.


full_symbol'󰁹 'Das Symbol das angezeigt wird wenn der Akku voll geladen ist.
charging_symbol'󰂄 'Das Symbol das angezeigt wird wenn der Akku aufgeladen wird.
discharging_symbol'󰂃 'Das Symbol, das angezeigt wird, wenn die Batterie entladen wird.
unknown_symbol'󰁽 'Das Symbol, das angezeigt wird, wenn der Batteriezustand unbekannt ist.
empty_symbol'󰂎 'Das Symbol, das angezeigt wird, wenn die Batterie leer ist.
format'[$symbol$percentage]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
displaylinkStellt den Grenzwert ein ab dem der Ladezustand (das battery-Modul) angezeigt wird.
disabledfalseWenn der Wert auf true steht, wird das Akkustand-Modul deaktiviert.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

full_symbol = '🔋 '
charging_symbol = '⚡️ '
discharging_symbol = '💀 '

Anzeige des Akkustandes

The display configuration option is used to define when the battery indicator should be shown (threshold), which symbol would be used (symbol), and what it would like (style). Wenn display nicht angegeben ist. Die Standardwerte sind folgende:

threshold = 10
style = 'bold red'

The default value for the charging_symbol and discharging_symbol option is respectively the value of battery's charging_symbol and discharging_symbol option.


Die display-Option beinhaltet ein Array mit den folgenden Werten.

threshold10Der Schwellenwert zur Anzeige dieser Option.
style'red bold'Der Stil, der zur Anzeige dieser Option verwendet wird.
charging_symbolOptional symbol displayed if display option is in use, defaults to battery's charging_symbol option.
discharging_symbolOptional symbol displayed if display option is in use, defaults to battery's discharging_symbol option.


[[battery.display]] # 'bold red' style and discharging_symbol when capacity is between 0% and 10%
threshold = 10
style = 'bold red'

[[battery.display]] # 'bold yellow' style and 💦 symbol when capacity is between 10% and 30%
threshold = 30
style = 'bold yellow'
discharging_symbol = '💦 '

# when capacity is over 30%, the battery indicator will not be displayed


The buf module shows the currently installed version of Buf. By default, the module is shown if the current directory contains a buf.yaml, buf.gen.yaml, or configuration file.


format'with [$symbol($version )]($style)'The format for the buf module.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format.
symbol'🐃 'The symbol used before displaying the version of Buf.
detect_extensions[]Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['buf.yaml', 'buf.gen.yaml', '']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this modules.
style'bold blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the elixir module.


versionv1.0.0The version of buf
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '🦬 '


The bun module shows the currently installed version of the bun JavaScript runtime. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine bun.lock-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine bun.lockb-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine bunfig.toml-Datei


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🥟 'A format string representing the symbol of Bun.
detect_extensions[]Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['bun.lock', 'bun.lockb', 'bunfig.toml']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold red'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the bun module.


versionv0.1.4The version of bun
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


Customize the format

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [🍔 $version](bold green) '

Replace Node.js

You can override the detect_files property of the nodejs module in your config so as to only show the bun runtime:

detect_files = ['package.json', '.node-version', '!bunfig.toml', '!bun.lockb']


The c module shows some information about your C compiler. By default the module will be shown if the current directory contains a .c or .h file.


format'via [$symbol($version(-$name) )]($style)'The format string for the module.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'C 'The symbol used before displaying the compiler details
detect_extensions['c', 'h']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files[]Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
commands[ [ 'cc', '--version' ], [ 'gcc', '--version' ], [ 'clang', '--version' ] ]How to detect what the compiler is
style'bold 149'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the c module.


nameclangThe name of the compiler
version13.0.0The version of the compiler
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
styleSpiegelt den Wert der Option style

NB that version is not in the default format.


The commands option accepts a list of commands to determine the compiler version and name.

Each command is represented as a list of the executable name, followed by its arguments, usually something like ['mycc', '--version']. Starship will try executing each command until it gets a result on STDOUT.

If a C compiler is not supported by this module, you can request it by raising an issue on GitHub.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [$name $version]($style)'


Das character Modul zeigt ein Zeichen ( meistens einen Pfeil "❯") vor der Texteingabe an.

Das Zeichen zeigt an ob der letzte Befehl erfolgreich war, oder einen Fehler erzeugt hat. It can do this in two ways:

  • changing color (red/green)
  • changing shape (/)

By default it only changes color. If you also want to change its shape take a look at this example.


vimcmd_symbol is only supported in cmd, fish and zsh. vimcmd_replace_one_symbol, vimcmd_replace_symbol, and vimcmd_visual_symbol are only supported in fish due to upstream issues with mode detection in zsh.


format'$symbol 'The format string used before the text input.
success_symbol'[❯](bold green)'The format string used before the text input if the previous command succeeded.
error_symbol'[❯](bold red)'The format string used before the text input if the previous command failed.
vimcmd_symbol'[❮](bold green)'The format string used before the text input if the shell is in vim normal mode.
vimcmd_replace_one_symbol'[❮](bold purple)'The format string used before the text input if the shell is in vim replace_one mode.
vimcmd_replace_symbol'[❮](bold purple)'The format string used before the text input if the shell is in vim replace mode.
vimcmd_visual_symbol'[❮](bold yellow)'The format string used before the text input if the shell is in vim visual mode.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das character-Modul.


symbolA mirror of either success_symbol, error_symbol, vimcmd_symbol or vimcmd_replace_one_symbol etc.


With custom error shape

# ~/.config/starship.toml

success_symbol = '[➜](bold green) '
error_symbol = '[✗](bold red) '

Without custom error shape

# ~/.config/starship.toml

success_symbol = '[➜](bold green) '
error_symbol = '[➜](bold red) '

With custom vim shape

# ~/.config/starship.toml

vimcmd_symbol = '[V](bold green) '


The cmake module shows the currently installed version of CMake. By default the module will be activated if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a CMakeLists.txt file
  • The current directory contains a CMakeCache.txt file


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'△ 'The symbol used before the version of cmake.
detect_extensions[]Which extensions should trigger this module
detect_files['CMakeLists.txt', 'CMakeCache.txt']Which filenames should trigger this module
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module
style'bold blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the cmake module.


versionv3.17.3The version of cmake
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


The cobol module shows the currently installed version of COBOL. By default, the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains any files ending in .cob or .COB
  • The current directory contains any files ending in .cbl or .CBL


symbol'⚙️ 'The symbol used before displaying the version of COBOL.
format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
style'bold blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
detect_extensions['cbl', 'cob', 'CBL', 'COB']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files[]Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
disabledfalseDisables the cobol module.


versionv3.1.2.0The version of cobol
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


Das cmd_duration Modul zeigt an wie lange der letzte Befehl ausgeführt wurde. Das Modul wird nur angezeigt wenn der letzte Befehl länger als zwei Sekunden ausgeführt wurde. Mit der min_time Option kann die Zeit eingestellt werden ab der cmd_duration angezeigt wird.

Nicht die DEBUG-trap in der Bash hooken

Ist bash die Konsole der Wahl, dann nicht die DEBUG-trap nach der Ausführung von eval $(starship init $0) hooken, andernfalls wird dieses Modul unweigerlich untergehen.

Bash Nutzer, die eine "preexec" ähnliche Funktion benötigen, können rcaloras bash_preexec Framework verwenden. Definieren Sie einfach die Arrays preexec_functions und precmd_functions bevor sie eval $(starship init $0) ausführen, und fahren Sie dann wie gewohnt fort.


min_time2_000Schwellwert für kleinste anzuzeigende Laufzeit (in Millisekunden).
show_millisecondsfalseZeige Millisekunden zusätzlich zu Sekunden.
format'took [$duration]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
style'bold yellow'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das cmd_duration-Modul.
show_notificationsfalseShow desktop notifications when command completes.
min_time_to_notify45_000Shortest duration for notification (in milliseconds).
notification_timeoutDuration to show notification for (in milliseconds). If unset, notification timeout will be determined by daemon. Not all notification daemons honor this option.


duration16m40sThe time it took to execute the command
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

min_time = 500
format = 'underwent [$duration](bold yellow)'


The conda module shows the current Conda environment, if $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV is set.


Hinweis: Dies unterdrückt nicht conda's eigenen Prompt-Modifikator, sie können jedoch conda mit conda config --set changeps1 False konfigurieren, um die Ausgabe von conda selbst auszuschalten. If you use pixi, you can disable pixi's prompt modifier by running pixi config set change-ps1 false.


truncation_length1Die Anzahl der Verzeichnisse, auf die der Verzeichnisspfad abgeschnitten werden soll, wenn die Umgebung über conda erstellt wurde -p [path]. 0 bedeutet keine Kürzung. Beachte auch die Beschreibung für das directory Modul.
symbol'🅒 'Symbol das vor dem Umgebungsnamen angezeigt wird.
style'bold green'Stil für dieses Modul.
format'via [$symbol$environment]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
ignore_basetrueIgnores base environment when activated.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das conda-Modul.


environmentastronautsThe current conda environment
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = '[$symbol$environment](dimmed green) '


The container module displays a symbol and container name, if inside a container.


symbol'⬢'The symbol shown, when inside a container
style'bold red dimmed'Stil für dieses Modul.
format'[$symbol \[$name\]]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the container module.


namefedora-toolbox:35The name of the container
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = '[$symbol \[$name\]]($style) '


The crystal module shows the currently installed version of Crystal. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine shard.yml-Datei
  • The current directory contains a .cr file


symbol'🔮 'The symbol used before displaying the version of crystal.
format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
style'bold red'Stil für dieses Modul.
detect_extensions['cr']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['shard.yml']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
disabledfalseDisables the crystal module.


versionv0.32.1The version of crystal
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [✨ $version](bold blue) '


The daml module shows the currently used Daml SDK version when you are in the root directory of your Daml project. The sdk-version in the daml.yaml file will be used, unless it's overridden by the DAML_SDK_VERSION environment variable. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine daml.yaml-Datei


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'Λ 'A format string representing the symbol of Daml
style'bold cyan'Stil für dieses Modul.
detect_extensions[]Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['daml.yaml']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
disabledfalseDisables the daml module.


versionv2.2.0The version of daml
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [D $version](bold bright-green) '


The dart module shows the currently installed version of Dart. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a file with .dart extension
  • The current directory contains a .dart_tool directory
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält pubspec.yaml, pubspec.yml oder pubspec.lock


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🎯 'A format string representing the symbol of Dart
detect_extensions['dart']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['pubspec.yaml', 'pubspec.yml', 'pubspec.lock']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders['.dart_tool']Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the dart module.


versionv2.8.4The version of dart
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [🔰 $version](bold red) '


The deno module shows you your currently installed version of Deno. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a deno.json, deno.jsonc, deno.lock, mod.ts, mod.js, deps.ts or deps.js file


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🦕 'A format string representing the symbol of Deno
detect_extensions[]Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['deno.json', 'deno.jsonc', 'deno.lock', 'mod.ts', 'mod.js', 'deps.ts', 'deps.js']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'green bold'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the deno module.


versionv1.8.3The version of deno
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [🦕 $version](green bold) '


Das directory -Modul zeigt den Pfad zu Ihrem aktuellen Verzeichnis an, abgeschnitten auf drei übergeordnete Ordner. Your directory will also be truncated to the root of the git repo that you're currently in.

When using the fish_style_pwd_dir_length option, instead of hiding the path that is truncated, you will see a shortened name of each directory based on the number you enable for the option.

For example, given ~/Dev/Nix/nixpkgs/pkgs where nixpkgs is the repo root, and the option set to 1. You will now see ~/D/N/nixpkgs/pkgs, whereas before it would have been nixpkgs/pkgs.


truncation_length3Die Anzahl der übergeordneten Ordner, die angezeigt werden.
truncate_to_repotrueWhether or not to truncate to the root of the git repo that you're currently in.
format'[$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
style'bold cyan'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das directory-Modul.
read_only'🔒'The symbol indicating current directory is read only.
read_only_style'red'The style for the read only symbol.
truncation_symbol''The symbol to prefix to truncated paths. eg: '…/'
before_repo_root_styleThe style for the path segment above the root of the git repo. The default value is equivalent to style.
repo_root_styleThe style for the root of the git repo. The default value is equivalent to style.
repo_root_format'[$before_root_path]($before_repo_root_style)[$repo_root]($repo_root_style)[$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style) 'The format of a git repo when before_repo_root_style and repo_root_style is defined.
home_symbol'~'The symbol indicating home directory.
use_os_path_septrueUse the OS specific path separator instead of always using / (e.g. \ on Windows)
Dieses Modul hat einige erweiterte Konfigurationsoptionen, welche die Darstellung von Verzeichnissen steuern.
Advanced OptionStandartwertBeschreibung
substitutionsA table of substitutions to be made to the path.
fish_style_pwd_dir_length0The number of characters to use when applying fish shell pwd path logic.
use_logical_pathtrueIf true render the logical path sourced from the shell via PWD or --logical-path. If false instead render the physical filesystem path with symlinks resolved.

substitutions allows you to define arbitrary replacements for literal strings that occur in the path, for example long network prefixes or development directories of Java. Note that this will disable the fish style PWD.

'/Volumes/network/path' = '/net'
'src/com/long/java/path' = 'mypath'

fish_style_pwd_dir_length interacts with the standard truncation options in a way that can be surprising at first: if it's non-zero, the components of the path that would normally be truncated are instead displayed with that many characters. For example, the path /built/this/city/on/rock/and/roll, which would normally be displayed as rock/and/roll, would be displayed as /b/t/c/o/rock/and/roll with fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 1--the path components that would normally be removed are displayed with a single character. For fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 2, it would be /bu/th/ci/on/rock/and/roll.


path'D:/Projects'The current directory path
style*'black bold dimmed'Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string

The git repos have additional variables.

Let us consider the path /path/to/home/git_repo/src/lib

before_root_path'/path/to/home/'The path before git root directory path
repo_root'git_repo'The git root directory name
path'/src/lib'The remaining path
style'black bold dimmed'Spiegelt den Wert der Option style
repo_root_style'underline white'Style for git root directory name


# ~/.config/starship.toml

truncation_length = 8
truncation_symbol = '…/'


The direnv module shows the status of the current rc file if one is present. The status includes the path to the rc file, whether it is loaded, and whether it has been allowed by direnv.


format'[$symbol$loaded/$allowed]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol'direnv 'The symbol used before displaying the direnv context.
style'bold orange'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledtrueDisables the direnv module.
detect_extensions[]Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['.envrc']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
detect_env_vars['DIRENV_FILE']Which environment variables should trigger this module.
allowed_msg'allowed'The message displayed when an rc file is allowed.
not_allowed_msg'not allowed'The message displayed when an rc file is not_allowed.
denied_msg'denied'The message displayed when an rc file is denied.
loaded_msg'loaded'The message displayed when an rc file is loaded.
unloaded_msg'not loaded'The message displayed when an rc file is not loaded.


loadedloadedWhether the current rc file is loaded.
alloweddeniedWhether the current rc file is allowed.
rc_path/home/test/.envrcThe current rc file path.
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol.
style*red boldSpiegelt den Wert der Option style.

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = false

Docker Context

The docker_context module shows the currently active Docker context if it's not set to default or desktop-linux, or if the DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME, DOCKER_HOST or DOCKER_CONTEXT environment variables are set (as they are meant to override the context in use).


format'via [$symbol$context]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol'🐳 'The symbol used before displaying the Docker context.
only_with_filestrueOnly show when there's a match
detect_extensions[]Which extensions should trigger this module (needs only_with_files to be true).
detect_files['docker-compose.yml', 'docker-compose.yaml', 'Dockerfile']Which filenames should trigger this module (needs only_with_files to be true).
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module (needs only_with_files to be true).
style'blue bold'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the docker_context module.


contexttest_contextThe current docker context
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [🐋 $context](blue bold)'


The dotnet module shows the relevant version of the .NET Core SDK for the current directory. If the SDK has been pinned in the current directory, the pinned version is shown. Otherwise the module shows the latest installed version of the SDK.

By default this module will only be shown in your prompt when one or more of the following files are present in the current directory:

  • global.json
  • project.json
  • Directory.Build.props
  • Directory.Build.targets
  • Packages.props
  • *.csproj
  • *.fsproj
  • *.xproj

You'll also need the .NET Core SDK installed in order to use it correctly.

Internally, this module uses its own mechanism for version detection. Typically it is twice as fast as running dotnet --version, but it may show an incorrect version if your .NET project has an unusual directory layout. If accuracy is more important than speed, you can disable the mechanism by setting heuristic = false in the module options.

The module will also show the Target Framework Moniker ( when there is a .csproj file in the current directory.


format'via [$symbol($version )(🎯 $tfm )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'.NET 'Symbol das vor der dotnet-Version angezeigt wird.
heuristictrueSchnelle Versionserkennung nutzen um Starship bedienbar zu halten.
detect_extensions['csproj', 'fsproj', 'xproj']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['global.json', 'project.json', 'Directory.Build.props', 'Directory.Build.targets', 'Packages.props']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this modules.
style'bold blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das dotnet-Modul.


versionv3.1.201The version of dotnet sdk
tfmnetstandard2.0The Target Framework Moniker that the current project is targeting
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '🥅 '
style = 'green'
heuristic = false


The elixir module shows the currently installed version of Elixir and Erlang/OTP. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine mix.exs-Datei.


format'via [$symbol($version \(OTP $otp_version\) )]($style)'The format for the module elixir.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'💧 'The symbol used before displaying the version of Elixir/Erlang.
detect_extensions[]Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['mix.exs']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this modules.
style'bold purple'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the elixir module.


versionv1.10The version of elixir
otp_versionThe otp version of elixir
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '🔮 '


The elm module shows the currently installed version of Elm. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine elm.json-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine elm-package.json-Datei
  • The current directory contains a .elm-version file
  • The current directory contains a elm-stuff folder
  • The current directory contains *.elm files


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🌳 'A format string representing the symbol of Elm.
detect_extensions['elm']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['elm.json', 'elm-package.json', '.elm-version']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders['elm-stuff']Which folders should trigger this modules.
style'cyan bold'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the elm module.


versionv0.19.1The version of elm
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [ $version](cyan bold) '


The env_var module displays the current value of a selected environment variables. The module will be shown only if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The variable configuration option matches an existing environment variable
  • The variable configuration option is not defined, but the default configuration option is


The order in which env_var modules are shown can be individually set by including ${} in the top level format (as it includes a dot, you need to use ${...}). By default, the env_var module will simply show all env_var modules in the order they were defined.


Multiple environmental variables can be displayed by using a .. (see example) If the variable configuration option is not set, the module will display value of variable under the name of text after the . character.

Example: following configuration will display value of USER environment variable

# ~/.config/starship.toml

default = 'unknown user'


symbol""Das Symbol, das vor der Anzeige der Variable verwendet wird.
variableDie anzuzeigende Umgebungsvariable.
defaultDer Standardwert, der angezeigt wird, wenn die ausgewählte Variable nicht definiert ist.
format"with [$env_value]($style) "Das Format für das Modul.
beschreibung"<env_var module>"The description of the module that is shown when running starship explain.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das env_var-Modul.


env_valueWindows NT (if variable would be $OS)The environment value of option variable
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*black bold dimmedSpiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

variable = 'SHELL'
default = 'unknown shell'

Displaying multiple environmental variables:

# ~/.config/starship.toml

variable = 'SHELL'
default = 'unknown shell'
default = 'unknown user'


The erlang module shows the currently installed version of Erlang/OTP. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine rebar.config-Datei.
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol' 'The symbol used before displaying the version of erlang.
style'bold red'Stil für dieses Modul.
detect_extensions[]Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['rebar.config', '']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this modules.
disabledfalseDisables the erlang module.


versionv22.1.3The version of erlang
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [e $version](bold red) '


The fennel module shows the currently installed version of Fennel. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a file with the .fnl extension


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🧅 'The symbol used before displaying the version of fennel.
style'bold green'Stil für dieses Modul.
detect_extensions['fnl']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files[]Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this modules.
disabledfalseDisables the fennel module.


versionv1.2.1The version of fennel
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '⫰ '


The fill module fills any extra space on the line with a symbol. If multiple fill modules are present in a line they will split the space evenly between them. This is useful for aligning other modules.


symbol'.'The symbol used to fill the line.
style'bold black'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the fill module


# ~/.config/starship.toml
format = 'AA $fill BB $fill CC'

symbol = '-'
style = 'bold green'

Produces a prompt that looks like:

AA -------------------------------------------- BB -------------------------------------------- CC

Fossil Branch

The fossil_branch module shows the name of the active branch of the check-out in your current directory.


format'on [$symbol$branch]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul. Use '$branch' to refer to the current branch name.
symbol' 'The symbol used before the branch name of the check-out in your current directory.
style'bold purple'Stil für dieses Modul.
truncation_length2^63 - 1Truncates a Fossil branch name to N graphemes
truncation_symbol'…'The symbol used to indicate a branch name was truncated. You can use '' for no symbol.
disabledtrueDisables the fossil_branch module.


branchtrunkThe active Fossil branch
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '🦎 '
truncation_length = 4
truncation_symbol = ''

Fossil Metrics

The fossil_metrics module will show the number of added and deleted lines in the check-out in your current directory. At least v2.14 (2021-01-20) of Fossil is required.


format'([+$added]($added_style) )([-$deleted]($deleted_style) )'Das Format für das Modul.
added_style'bold green'The style for the added count.
deleted_style'bold red'The style for the deleted count.
only_nonzero_diffstrueRender status only for changed items.
disabledtrueDisables the fossil_metrics module.


added1The current number of added lines
deleted2The current number of deleted lines
added_style*Mirrors the value of option added_style
deleted_style*Mirrors the value of option deleted_style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

added_style = 'bold blue'
format = '[+$added]($added_style)/[-$deleted]($deleted_style) '

Google Cloud (gcloud)

The gcloud module shows the current configuration for gcloud CLI. This is based on the ~/.config/gcloud/active_config file and the ~/.config/gcloud/configurations/config_{CONFIG NAME} file and the CLOUDSDK_CONFIG env var.

When the module is enabled it will always be active, unless detect_env_vars has been set in which case the module will only be active when one of the environment variables has been set.


format'on [$symbol$account(@$domain)(\($region\))]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol'☁️ 'The symbol used before displaying the current GCP profile.
region_aliases{}Table of region aliases to display in addition to the GCP name.
project_aliases{}Table of project aliases to display in addition to the GCP name.
detect_env_vars[]Which environmental variables should trigger this module
style'bold blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the gcloud module.


regionus-central1The current GCP region
accountfooThe current GCP profile
domainexample.comThe current GCP profile domain
projectThe current GCP project
activedefaultThe active config name written in ~/.config/gcloud/active_config
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


Display account and project

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'on [$symbol$account(@$domain)(\($project\))]($style) '

Display active config name only

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = '[$symbol$active]($style) '
style = 'bold yellow'

Display account and aliased region

# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '️🇬️ '
us-central1 = 'uc1'
asia-northeast1 = 'an1'

Display account and aliased project

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'on [$symbol$account(@$domain)(\($project\))]($style) '
very-long-project-name = 'vlpn'


Das git_branch-Modul zeigt den aktiven Git-Branch des Repositories im aktuellen Verzeichnis an.


always_show_remotefalseShows the remote tracking branch name, even if it is equal to the local branch name.
format'on [$symbol$branch(:$remote_branch)]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul. Use '$branch' to refer to the current branch name.
symbol' 'A format string representing the symbol of git branch.
style'bold purple'Stil für dieses Modul.
truncation_length2^63 - 1Truncates a git branch to N graphemes.
truncation_symbol'…'The symbol used to indicate a branch name was truncated. You can use '' for no symbol.
only_attachedfalseOnly show the branch name when not in a detached HEAD state.
ignore_branches[]A list of names to avoid displaying. Useful for 'master' or 'main'.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das git_branch-Modul.


branchmasterThe current branch name, falls back to HEAD if there's no current branch (e.g. git detached HEAD).
remote_nameoriginThe remote name.
remote_branchmasterThe name of the branch tracked on remote_name.
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '🌱 '
truncation_length = 4
truncation_symbol = ''
ignore_branches = ['master', 'main']

Git Commit

The git_commit module shows the current commit hash and also the tag (if any) of the repo in your current directory.


commit_hash_length7The length of the displayed git commit hash.
format'[\($hash$tag\)]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
style'bold green'Stil für dieses Modul.
only_detachedtrueOnly show git commit hash when in detached HEAD state
tag_disabledtrueDisables showing tag info in git_commit module.
tag_max_candidates0How many commits to consider for tag display. The default only allows exact matches.
tag_symbol' 🏷 'Tag symbol prefixing the info shown
disabledfalseDisables the git_commit module.


hashb703eb3The current git commit hash
tagv1.0.0The tag name if showing tag info is enabled.
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

commit_hash_length = 4
tag_symbol = '🔖 '


The git_state module will show in directories which are part of a git repository, and where there is an operation in progress, such as: REBASING, BISECTING, etc. If there is progress information (e.g., REBASING 3/10), that information will be shown too.


rebase'REBASING'A format string displayed when a rebase is in progress.
merge'MERGING'A format string displayed when a merge is in progress.
revert'REVERTING'A format string displayed when a revert is in progress.
cherry_pick'CHERRY-PICKING'A format string displayed when a cherry-pick is in progress.
bisect'BISECTING'A format string displayed when a bisect is in progress.
am'AM'A format string displayed when an apply-mailbox (git am) is in progress.
am_or_rebase'AM/REBASE'A format string displayed when an ambiguous apply-mailbox or rebase is in progress.
style'bold yellow'Stil für dieses Modul.
format'\([$state( $progress_current/$progress_total)]($style)\) 'Das Format für das Modul.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das git_state-Modul.


stateREBASINGThe current state of the repo
progress_current1The current operation progress
progress_total2The total operation progress
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = '[\($state( $progress_current of $progress_total)\)]($style) '
cherry_pick = '[🍒 PICKING](bold red)'

Git Metrics

The git_metrics module will show the number of added and deleted lines in the current git repository.


Dieses Modul ist standardmäßig deaktiviert. Setze in deiner Konfiguration disabled auf false um es zu aktivieren.


added_style'bold green'The style for the added count.
deleted_style'bold red'The style for the deleted count.
only_nonzero_diffstrueRender status only for changed items.
format'([+$added]($added_style) )([-$deleted]($deleted_style) )'Das Format für das Modul.
disabledtrueDisables the git_metrics module.
ignore_submodulesfalseIgnore changes to submodules


added1The current number of added lines
deleted2The current number of deleted lines
added_style*Mirrors the value of option added_style
deleted_style*Mirrors the value of option deleted_style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

added_style = 'bold blue'
format = '[+$added]($added_style)/[-$deleted]($deleted_style) '


The git_status module shows symbols representing the state of the repo in your current directory.


The Git Status module is very slow in Windows directories (for example under /mnt/c/) when in a WSL environment. You can disable the module or use the windows_starship option to use a Windows-native Starship executable to compute git_status for those paths.


format'([\[$all_status$ahead_behind\]]($style) )'The default format for git_status
conflicted'='This branch has merge conflicts.
ahead'⇡'The format of ahead
behind'⇣'The format of behind
diverged'⇕'The format of diverged
up_to_date''The format of up_to_date
untracked'?'The format of untracked
stashed'$'The format of stashed
modified'!'The format of modified
staged'+'The format of staged
renamed'»'The format of renamed
deleted'✘'The format of deleted
typechanged""The format of typechanged
style'bold red'Stil für dieses Modul.
ignore_submodulesfalseIgnore changes to submodules.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das git_status-Modul.
windows_starshipUse this (Linux) path to a Windows Starship executable to render git_status when on Windows paths in WSL.


The following variables can be used in format:

all_statusShortcut for$conflicted$stashed$deleted$renamed$modified$typechanged$staged$untracked
ahead_behindDisplays diverged, ahead, behind or up_to_date format string based on the current status of the repo.
conflictedDisplays conflicted when this branch has merge conflicts.
untrackedDisplays untracked when there are untracked files in the working directory.
stashedDisplays stashed when a stash exists for the local repository.
modifiedDisplays modified when there are file modifications in the working directory.
stagedDisplays staged when a new file has been added to the staging area.
renamedDisplays renamed when a renamed file has been added to the staging area.
deletedDisplays deleted when a file's deletion has been added to the staging area.
typechangedDisplays typechanged when a file's type has been changed in the staging area.
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string

The following variables can be used in diverged:

ahead_countNumber of commits ahead of the tracking branch
behind_countNumber of commits behind the tracking branch

The following variables can be used in conflicted, ahead, behind, untracked, stashed, modified, staged, renamed and deleted:

countShow the number of files


# ~/.config/starship.toml

conflicted = '🏳'
ahead = '🏎💨'
behind = '😰'
diverged = '😵'
up_to_date = '✓'
untracked = '🤷'
stashed = '📦'
modified = '📝'
staged = '[++\($count\)](green)'
renamed = '👅'
deleted = '🗑'

Show ahead/behind count of the branch being tracked

# ~/.config/starship.toml

ahead = '⇡${count}'
diverged = '⇕⇡${ahead_count}⇣${behind_count}'
behind = '⇣${count}'

Use Windows Starship executable on Windows paths in WSL

# ~/.config/starship.toml

windows_starship = '/mnt/c/Users/username/scoop/apps/starship/current/starship.exe'


The gleam module shows the currently installed version of Gleam. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a gleam.toml file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .gleam extension


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'⭐ 'A format string representing the symbol of Gleam.
detect_extensions['gleam']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['gleam.toml']Which filenames should trigger this module.
style'bold #FFAFF3'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the gleam module.


versionv1.0.0The version of gleam
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [⭐ $version](bold red) '


The golang module shows the currently installed version of Go. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine go.mod-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine go.sum-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine glide.yaml-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine Gopkg.yml-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine Gopkg.lock-Datei
  • The current directory contains a .go-version file
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält ein Godeps-Verzeichnis
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine Datei mit der .go-Erweiterung


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🐹 'A format string representing the symbol of Go.
detect_extensions['go']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['go.mod', 'go.sum', '', 'glide.yaml', 'Gopkg.yml', 'Gopkg.lock', '.go-version']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders['Godeps']Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold cyan'Stil für dieses Modul.
not_capable_style'bold red'The style for the module when the go directive in the go.mod file does not match the installed Go version.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das golang-Modul.


versionv1.12.1The version of go
mod_version1.16go version requirement as set in the go directive of go.mod. Will only show if the version requirement does not match the go version.
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [🏎💨 $version](bold cyan) '

Using mod_version

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [$symbol($version )($mod_version )]($style)'


The guix_shell module shows the guix-shell environment. The module will be shown when inside a guix-shell environment.


format'via [$symbol]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol'🐃 'A format string representing the symbol of guix-shell.
style'yellow bold'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the guix_shell module.


symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = true
format = 'via [🐂](yellow bold) '


The gradle module shows the version of the Gradle Wrapper currently used in the project directory.

By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a gradle/wrapper/ directory.
  • The current directory contains a file ending with .gradle or .gradle.kts.

The gradle module is only able to read your Gradle Wrapper version from your config file, we don't execute your wrapper, because of the security concerns.


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🅶 'A format string representing the symbol of Gradle.
detect_extensions['gradle', 'gradle.kts']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files[]Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders['gradle']Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold bright-cyan'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the gradle module.
recursivefalseEnables recursive finding for the gradle directory.


versionv7.5.1The version of gradle
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


The haskell module finds the current selected GHC version and/or the selected Stack snapshot.

By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine stack.yaml-Datei
  • The current directory contains any .hs, .cabal, or .hs-boot file


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol'λ 'A format string representing the symbol of Haskell
detect_extensions['hs', 'cabal', 'hs-boot']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['stack.yaml', 'cabal.project']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold purple'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the haskell module.


versionghc_version or snapshot depending on whether the current project is a Stack project
snapshotlts-18.12Currently selected Stack snapshot
ghc_version9.2.1Currently installed GHC version
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


The haxe module shows the currently installed version of Haxe. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a project.xml, Project.xml, application.xml, haxelib.json, hxformat.json or .haxerc file
  • The current directory contains a .haxelib or a haxe_libraries directory
  • The current directory contains a file with the .hx or .hxml extension


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
detect_extensions['hx', 'hxml']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['project.xml', 'Project.xml', 'application.xml', 'haxelib.json', 'hxformat.json', '.haxerc']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders['.haxelib', 'haxe_libraries']Which folders should trigger this modules.
symbol'⌘ 'A format string representing the symbol of Haxe.
style'bold fg:202'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the haxe module.


versionv4.2.5The version of haxe
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [⌘ $version](bold fg:202) "


The helm module shows the currently installed version of Helm. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine helmfile.yaml-Datei
  • The current directory contains a Chart.yaml file


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
detect_extensions[]Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['helmfile.yaml', 'Chart.yaml']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this modules.
symbol'⎈ 'A format string representing the symbol of Helm.
style'bold white'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the helm module.


versionv3.1.1The version of helm
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [⎈ $version](bold white) '


Das hostname-Modul zeigt den Hostnamen des Systems an.


ssh_onlytrueZeigt den Hostnamen nur, wenn via SSH-Sitzung verbunden.
ssh_symbol'🌐 'A format string representing the symbol when connected to SSH session.
trim_at'.'String that the hostname is cut off at, after the first match. '.' will stop after the first dot. '' will disable any truncation.
detect_env_vars[]Which environment variable(s) should trigger this module.
format'[$ssh_symbol$hostname]($style) in 'Das Format für das Modul.
style'bold dimmed green'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das hostname-Modul.
aliases{}Translate system hostnames to something else. If trim_at is specified, only the first part will be matched and replaced.


hostnamecomputerThe hostname of the computer
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style
ssh_symbol'🌏 'The symbol to represent when connected to SSH session

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


Always show the hostname

# ~/.config/starship.toml

ssh_only = false
format = '[$ssh_symbol](bold blue) on [$hostname](bold red) '
trim_at = ''
disabled = false

Hide the hostname in remote tmux sessions

# ~/.config/starship.toml

ssh_only = false
detect_env_vars = ['!TMUX', 'SSH_CONNECTION']
disabled = false

Replace the hostname with a nickname

# ~/.config/starship.toml
aliases = { "Max's MacBook Pro" = "home" }


The java module shows the currently installed version of Java. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a pom.xml, build.gradle.kts, build.sbt, .java-version, deps.edn, project.clj, build.boot, or .sdkmanrc file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .java, .class, .gradle, .jar, .clj, or .cljc extension


format'via [${symbol}(${version} )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
detect_extensions['java', 'class', 'gradle', 'jar', 'cljs', 'cljc']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['pom.xml', 'build.gradle.kts', 'build.sbt', '.java-version', 'deps.edn', 'project.clj', 'build.boot', '.sdkmanrc']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this modules.
symbol'☕ 'A format string representing the symbol of Java
style'red dimmed'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das Java-Modul.


versionv14The version of java
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '🌟 '


The jobs module shows the current number of jobs running. The module will be shown only if there are background jobs running. The module will show the number of jobs running if there are at least 2 jobs, or more than the number_threshold config value, if it exists. The module will show a symbol if there is at least 1 job, or more than the symbol_threshold config value, if it exists. You can set both values to 0 in order to always show the symbol and number of jobs, even if there are 0 jobs running.

The default functionality is:

  • 0 jobs -> Nothing is shown.
  • 1 job -> symbol is shown.
  • 2 jobs or more -> symbol + number are shown.


This module is not supported on tcsh and nu.


The threshold option is deprecated, but if you want to use it, the module will show the number of jobs running if there is more than 1 job, or more than the threshold config value, if it exists. If threshold is set to 0, then the module will also show when there are 0 jobs running.


threshold*1Zeigt die Anzahl der Jobs wenn der angegebene Schwellenwert überschritten wurde.
symbol_threshold1Show symbol if the job count is at least symbol_threshold.
number_threshold2Show the number of jobs if the job count is at least number_threshold.
format'[$symbol$number]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol'✦'The string used to represent the symbol variable.
style'bold blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das jobs-Modul.

*: This option is deprecated, please use the number_threshold and symbol_threshold options instead.


number1The number of jobs
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '+ '
number_threshold = 4
symbol_threshold = 0


The julia module shows the currently installed version of Julia. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a Project.toml file
  • The current directory contains a Manifest.toml file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .jl extension


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
detect_extensions['jl']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['Project.toml', 'Manifest.toml']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this modules.
symbol'ஃ 'A format string representing the symbol of Julia.
style'bold purple'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the julia module.


versionv1.4.0The version of julia
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '∴ '


The kotlin module shows the currently installed version of Kotlin. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a .kt or a .kts file


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
detect_extensions['kt', 'kts']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files[]Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this modules.
symbol'🅺 'A format string representing the symbol of Kotlin.
style'bold blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
kotlin_binary'kotlin'Configures the kotlin binary that Starship executes when getting the version.
disabledfalseDisables the kotlin module.


versionv1.4.21The version of kotlin
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '🅺 '
# ~/.config/starship.toml

# Uses the Kotlin Compiler binary to get the installed version
kotlin_binary = 'kotlinc'


Displays the current Kubernetes context name and, if set, the namespace, user and cluster from the kubeconfig file. The namespace needs to be set in the kubeconfig file, this can be done via kubectl config set-context starship-context --namespace astronaut. Similarly, the user and cluster can be set with kubectl config set-context starship-context --user starship-user and kubectl config set-context starship-context --cluster starship-cluster. If the $KUBECONFIG env var is set the module will use that if not it will use the ~/.kube/config.


Dieses Modul ist standardmäßig deaktiviert. Setze in deiner Konfiguration disabled auf false um es zu aktivieren.

When the module is enabled it will always be active, unless any of detect_env_vars, detect_extensions, detect_files or detect_folders have been set in which case the module will only be active in directories that match those conditions or one of the environmatal variable has been set.



The context_aliases and user_aliases options are deprecated. Use contexts and the corresponding context_alias and user_alias options instead.

symbol'☸ 'A format string representing the symbol displayed before the Cluster.
format'[$symbol$context( \($namespace\))]($style) in 'Das Format für das Modul.
style'cyan bold'Stil für dieses Modul.
context_aliases*{}Table of context aliases to display.
user_aliases*{}Table of user aliases to display.
detect_extensions[]Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files[]Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this modules.
detect_env_vars[]Which environmental variables should trigger this module
contexts[]Customized styles and symbols for specific contexts.
disabledtrueDeaktiviert das kubernetes-Modul.

*: This option is deprecated, please add contexts with the corresponding context_alias and user_alias options instead.

To customize the style of the module for specific environments, use the following configuration as part of the contexts list:

context_patternRequired Regular expression to match current Kubernetes context name.
user_patternRegular expression to match current Kubernetes user name.
context_aliasContext alias to display instead of the full context name.
user_aliasUser alias to display instead of the full user name.
styleThe style for the module when using this context. If not set, will use module's style.
symbolThe symbol for the module when using this context. If not set, will use module's symbol.

Note that all regular expression are anchored with ^<pattern>$ and so must match the whole string. The *_pattern regular expressions may contain capture groups, which can be referenced in the corresponding alias via $name and $N (see example below and the rust Regex::replace() documentation).


contextstarship-contextThe current kubernetes context name
namespacestarship-namespaceIf set, the current kubernetes namespace
userstarship-userIf set, the current kubernetes user
clusterstarship-clusterIf set, the current kubernetes cluster
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'on [⛵ ($user on )($cluster in )$context \($namespace\)](dimmed green) '
disabled = false
contexts = [
  { context_pattern = "dev.local.cluster.k8s", style = "green", symbol = "💔 " },

Only show the module in directories that contain a k8s file.

# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = false
detect_files = ['k8s']

Kubernetes Context specific config

The contexts configuration option is used to customise what the current Kubernetes context name looks like (style and symbol) if the name matches the defined regular expression.

# ~/.config/starship.toml

# "bold red" style + default symbol when Kubernetes current context name equals "production" *and* the current user
# equals "admin_user"
context_pattern = "production"
user_pattern = "admin_user"
style = "bold red"
context_alias = "prod"
user_alias = "admin"

# "green" style + a different symbol when Kubernetes current context name contains openshift
context_pattern = ".*openshift.*"
style = "green"
symbol = "💔 "
context_alias = "openshift"

# Using capture groups
# Contexts from GKE, AWS and other cloud providers usually carry additional information, like the region/zone.
# The following entry matches on the GKE format (`gke_projectname_zone_cluster-name`)
# and renames every matching kube context into a more readable format (`gke-cluster-name`):
context_pattern = "gke_.*_(?P<cluster>[\\w-]+)"
context_alias = "gke-$cluster"


Das line_break-Modul unterteilt den Prompt in zwei Zeilen.


disabledfalseDeaktiviert das line_break-Modul, wodurch der Prompt einzeilig wird.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = true

Local IP

The localip module shows the IPv4 address of the primary network interface.


ssh_onlytrueOnly show IP address when connected to an SSH session.
format'[$localipv4]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
style'bold yellow'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledtrueDisables the localip module.


localipv4192.168.1.13Contains the primary IPv4 address
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

ssh_only = false
format = '@[$localipv4](bold red) '
disabled = false


The lua module shows the currently installed version of Lua. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a .lua-version file
  • The current directory contains a lua directory
  • The current directory contains a file with the .lua extension


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🌙 'A format string representing the symbol of Lua.
detect_extensions['lua']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['.lua-version']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders['lua']Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
lua_binary'lua'Configures the lua binary that Starship executes when getting the version.
disabledfalseDisables the lua module.


versionv5.4.0The version of lua
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [🌕 $version](bold blue) '


Das memory_usage Modul zeigt den aktuellen Systemspeicher und die swap-Nutzung an.

Standardmäßig wird die swap-Nutzung angezeigt, wenn der gesamte System-swap nicht Null ist.


Dieses Modul ist standardmäßig deaktiviert. Setze in deiner Konfiguration disabled auf false um es zu aktivieren.


threshold75Speicherauslastung ausblenden, wenn sie unter diesem Prozentsatz ist.
format'via $symbol [${ram}( | ${swap})]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol'🐏'Symbol das vor der Speicherauslastung angezeigt wird.
style'bold dimmed white'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledtrueDeaktiviert das memory_usage-Modul.


ram31GiB/65GiBThe usage/total RAM of the current system memory.
ram_pct48%The percentage of the current system memory.
swap**1GiB/4GiBThe swap memory size of the current system swap memory file.
swap_pct**77%The swap memory percentage of the current system swap memory file.
symbol🐏Spiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string **: The SWAP file information is only displayed if detected on the current system


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = false
threshold = -1
symbol = ' '
style = 'bold dimmed green'


The meson module shows the current Meson developer environment status.

By default the Meson project name is displayed, if $MESON_DEVENV is set.


truncation_length2^32 - 1Truncates a project name to N graphemes.
truncation_symbol'…'The symbol used to indicate a project name was truncated. You can use '' for no symbol.
format'via [$symbol$project]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol'⬢ 'The symbol used before displaying the project name.
style'blue bold'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the meson module.


projectstarshipThe current Meson project name
symbol🐏Spiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = false
truncation_symbol = '--'
symbol = ' '
style = 'bold dimmed green'

Mercurial Branch

The hg_branch module shows the active branch and topic of the repo in your current directory.


symbol' 'The symbol used before the hg bookmark or branch name of the repo in your current directory.
style'bold purple'Stil für dieses Modul.
format'on [$symbol$branch(:$topic)]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
truncation_length2^63 - 1Truncates the hg branch / topic name to N graphemes
truncation_symbol'…'The symbol used to indicate a branch name was truncated.
disabledtrueDisables the hg_branch module.


branchmasterThe active mercurial branch
topicfeatureThe active mercurial topic
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'on [🌱 $branch](bold purple)'
truncation_length = 4
truncation_symbol = ''


The mojo module shows the current version of Mojo programming language installed


format'with [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol'🔥 'The symbol used before displaying the version of Mojo.
style'bold 208'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the mojo module.
detect_extensions['mojo', '🔥']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files[]Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.


version24.4.0The version of mojo
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [mojo ($version )($hash )]($style)'


The nats module shows the name of the current NATS context.


symbol'✉️ 'The symbol used before the NATS context (defaults to empty).
style'bold purple'Stil für dieses Modul.
format'[$symbol$name]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the nats module.


namelocalhostThe name of the NATS context
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style


format = '[$symbol]($style)'
style = 'bold purple'


The nim module shows the currently installed version of Nim. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine nim.cfg-Datei
  • The current directory contains a file with the .nim extension
  • The current directory contains a file with the .nims extension
  • The current directory contains a file with the .nimble extension


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'👑 'The symbol used before displaying the version of Nim.
detect_extensions['nim', 'nims', 'nimble']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['nim.cfg']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold yellow'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the nim module.


versionv1.2.0The version of nimc
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

style = 'yellow'
symbol = '🎣 '


The nix_shell module shows the nix-shell environment. Das Modul wird angezeigt, wenn es sich in einer nix-Shell-Umgebung befindet.


format'via [$symbol$state( \($name\))]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol'❄️ 'A format string representing the symbol of nix-shell.
style'bold blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
impure_msg'impure'A format string shown when the shell is impure.
pure_msg'pure'A format string shown when the shell is pure.
unknown_msg''A format string shown when it is unknown if the shell is pure/impure.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das nix_shell-Modul.
heuristicfalseAttempts to detect new nix shell-style shells with a heuristic.


statepureThe state of the nix-shell
namelorriThe name of the nix-shell
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = true
impure_msg = '[impure shell](bold red)'
pure_msg = '[pure shell](bold green)'
unknown_msg = '[unknown shell](bold yellow)'
format = 'via [☃️ $state( \($name\))](bold blue) '


The nodejs module shows the currently installed version of Node.js. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine package.json-Datei
  • The current directory contains a .node-version file
  • The current directory contains a .nvmrc file
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält ein node_modules-Verzeichnis
  • The current directory contains a file with the .js, .mjs or .cjs extension
  • The current directory contains a file with the .ts, .mts or .cts extension


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol' 'A format string representing the symbol of Node.js.
detect_extensions['js', 'mjs', 'cjs', 'ts', 'mts', 'cts']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['package.json', '.node-version', '.nvmrc']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders['node_modules']Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold green'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das nodejs-Modul.
not_capable_style'bold red'The style for the module when an engines property in package.json does not match the Node.js version.


versionv13.12.0The version of node
engines_version>=12.0.0node version requirement as set in the engines property of package.json. Will only show if the version requirement does not match the node version.
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [🤖 $version](bold green) '


The ocaml module shows the currently installed version of OCaml. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a file with .opam extension or _opam directory
  • The current directory contains a esy.lock directory
  • The current directory contains a dune or dune-project file
  • The current directory contains a jbuild or jbuild-ignore file
  • The current directory contains a .merlin file
  • The current directory contains a file with .ml, .mli, .re or .rei extension


format'via [$symbol($version )(\($switch_indicator$switch_name\) )]($style)'The format string for the module.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🐫 'The symbol used before displaying the version of OCaml.
global_switch_indicator''The format string used to represent global OPAM switch.
local_switch_indicator'*'The format string used to represent local OPAM switch.
detect_extensions['opam', 'ml', 'mli', 're', 'rei']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['dune', 'dune-project', 'jbuild', 'jbuild-ignore', '.merlin']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders['_opam', 'esy.lock']Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold yellow'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the ocaml module.


versionv4.10.0The version of ocaml
switch_namemy-projectThe active OPAM switch
switch_indicatorMirrors the value of indicator for currently active OPAM switch
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [🐪 $version]($style) '


The odin module shows the currently installed version of Odin. By default the module will be shown if the current directory contains a .odin file.


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
show_commitfalseShows the commit as part of the version.
symbol'Ø 'The symbol used before displaying the version of Zig.
style'bold bright-blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the odin module.
detect_extensions['odin']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files[]Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.


versiondev-2024-03The version of odin
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [󰹩 ($version )]($style)'
show_commit = true

Open Policy Agent

The opa module shows the currently installed version of the OPA tool. By default the module will be shown if the current directory contains a .rego file.


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🪖 'A format string representing the symbol of OPA.
detect_extensions['rego']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files[]Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the opa module.


versionv0.44.0The version of opa
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [⛑️  $version](bold red) '


The openstack module shows the current OpenStack cloud and project. The module only active when the OS_CLOUD env var is set, in which case it will read clouds.yaml file from any of the default locations. to fetch the current project in use.


format'on [$symbol$cloud(\($project\))]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol'☁️ 'The symbol used before displaying the current OpenStack cloud.
style'bold yellow'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the openstack module.


cloudcorpThe current OpenStack cloud
projectdevThe current OpenStack project
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'on [$symbol$cloud(\($project\))]($style) '
style = 'bold yellow'
symbol = '☁️ '


The os module shows the current operating system. OS information is detected via the os_info crate.


The os_info crate used by this module is known to be inaccurate on some systems.


Dieses Modul ist standardmäßig deaktiviert. Setze in deiner Konfiguration disabled auf false um es zu aktivieren.


format'[$symbol]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
style'bold white'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledtrueDisables the os module.
symbolsA table that maps each operating system to its symbol.

symbols allows you to define arbitrary symbols to display for each operating system type. Operating system types not defined by your configuration use the default symbols table below. All operating systems currently supported by the module are listed below. If you would like an operating system to be added, feel free to open a feature request.

# This is the default symbols table.
AIX = "➿ "
Alpaquita = "🔔 "
AlmaLinux = "💠 "
Alpine = "🏔️ "
Amazon = "🙂 "
Android = "🤖 "
Arch = "🎗️ "
Artix = "🎗️ "
CachyOS = "🎗️ "
CentOS = "💠 "
Debian = "🌀 "
DragonFly = "🐉 "
Emscripten = "🔗 "
EndeavourOS = "🚀 "
Fedora = "🎩 "
FreeBSD = "😈 "
Garuda = "🦅 "
Gentoo = "🗜️ "
HardenedBSD = "🛡️ "
Illumos = "🐦 "
Kali = "🐉 "
Linux = "🐧 "
Mabox = "📦 "
Macos = "🍎 "
Manjaro = "🥭 "
Mariner = "🌊 "
MidnightBSD = "🌘 "
Mint = "🌿 "
NetBSD = "🚩 "
NixOS = "❄️ "
Nobara = "🎩 "
OpenBSD = "🐡 "
OpenCloudOS = "☁️ "
openEuler = "🦉 "
openSUSE = "🦎 "
OracleLinux = "🦴 "
Pop = "🍭 "
Raspbian = "🍓 "
Redhat = "🎩 "
RedHatEnterprise = "🎩 "
RockyLinux = "💠 "
Redox = "🧪 "
Solus = "⛵ "
SUSE = "🦎 "
Ubuntu = "🎯 "
Ultramarine = "🔷 "
Unknown = "❓ "
Uos = "🐲 "
Void = "  "
Windows = "🪟 "


symbol🎗️The current operating system symbol from advanced option symbols
nameArch LinuxThe current operating system name
typeArchThe current operating system type
codenameThe current operating system codename, if applicable
editionThe current operating system edition, if applicable
versionThe current operating system version, if applicable
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "on [($name )]($style)"
style = "bold blue"
disabled = false

Windows = " "
Arch = "Arch is the best! "


Das Package Modul wird angezeigt, wenn das aktuelle Verzeichnis das Repository für ein Paket ist, und zeigt dessen aktuelle Version an. The module currently supports npm, nimble, cargo, poetry, python, composer, gradle, julia, mix, helm, shards, daml and dart packages.

  • npm – The npm package version is extracted from the package.json present in the current directory
  • Cargo – The cargo package version is extracted from the Cargo.toml present in the current directory
  • Nimble - The nimble package version is extracted from the *.nimble file present in the current directory with the nimble dump command
  • Poetry – The poetry package version is extracted from the pyproject.toml present in the current directory
  • Python - The python package version is extracted from a PEP 621 compliant pyproject.toml or a setup.cfg present in the current directory
  • Composer – The composer package version is extracted from the composer.json present in the current directory
  • Gradle – The gradle package version is extracted from the build.gradle present in the current directory
  • Julia - The package version is extracted from the Project.toml present in the current directory
  • Mix - The mix package version is extracted from the mix.exs present in the current directory
  • Helm - The helm chart version is extracted from the Chart.yaml present in the current directory
  • Maven - The maven package version is extracted from the pom.xml present in the current directory
  • Meson - The meson package version is extracted from the present in the current directory
  • Shards - The shards package version is extracted from the shard.yml present in the current directory
  • V - The vlang package version is extracted from the v.mod present in the current directory
  • SBT - The sbt package version is extracted from the build.sbt present in the current directory
  • Daml - The daml package version is extracted from the daml.yaml present in the current directory
  • Dart - The dart package version is extracted from the pubspec.yaml present in the current directory

⚠️ Die angezeigte Version ist die des Pakets, dessen Quellcode im Verzeichnis liegt, nicht die des Paketmanagers.


format'is [$symbol$version]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol'📦 'Symbol das vor der Paketversion angezeigt wird.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
style'bold 208'Stil für dieses Modul.
display_privatefalseEnable displaying version for packages marked as private.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das package-Modul.


versionv1.0.0The version of your package
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [🎁 $version](208 bold) '


The perl module shows the currently installed version of Perl. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a Makefile.PL or Build.PL file
  • The current directory contains a cpanfile or cpanfile.snapshot file
  • The current directory contains a META.json file or META.yml file
  • The current directory contains a .perl-version file
  • The current directory contains a .pl, .pm or .pod


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'The format string for the module.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🐪 'The symbol used before displaying the version of Perl
detect_extensions['pl', 'pm', 'pod']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['Makefile.PL', 'Build.PL', 'cpanfile', 'cpanfile.snapshot', 'META.json', 'META.yml', '.perl-version']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold 149'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the perl module.


versionv5.26.1The version of perl
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [🦪 $version]($style) '


The php module shows the currently installed version of PHP. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine composer.json-Datei
  • The current directory contains a .php-version file
  • The current directory contains a .php extension


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🐘 'Symbol das vor der PHP-Version angezeigt wird.
detect_extensions['php']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['composer.json', '.php-version']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'147 bold'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das php-Modul.


versionv7.3.8The version of php
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [🔹 $version](147 bold) '

Pijul Channel

The pijul_channel module shows the active channel of the repo in your current directory.


symbol' 'The symbol used before the pijul channel name of the repo in your current directory.
style'bold purple'Stil für dieses Modul.
format'on [$symbol$channel]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
truncation_length2^63 - 1Truncates the pijul channel name to N graphemes
truncation_symbol'…'The symbol used to indicate a branch name was truncated.
disabledtrueDisables the pijul module.


The pulumi module shows the current username, selected Pulumi Stack, and version.


By default the Pulumi version is not shown, since it takes an order of magnitude longer to load then most plugins (~70ms). If you still want to enable it, follow the example shown below.

By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains either Pulumi.yaml or Pulumi.yml
  • A parent directory contains either Pulumi.yaml or Pulumi.yml unless search_upwards is set to false


format'via [$symbol($username@)$stack]($style) 'The format string for the module.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol' 'A format string shown before the Pulumi stack.
style'bold 5'Stil für dieses Modul.
search_upwardstrueEnable discovery of pulumi config files in parent directories.
disabledfalseDisables the pulumi module.


versionv0.12.24The version of pulumi
stackdevThe current Pulumi stack
usernamealiceThe current Pulumi username
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


With Pulumi Version

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = '[🛥 ($version )$stack]($style) '

Without Pulumi version

# ~/.config/starship.toml
symbol = '🛥 '
format = '[$symbol$stack]($style) '


The purescript module shows the currently installed version of PureScript version. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine spago.dhall-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine spago.yaml-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine spago.lock-Datei
  • The current directory contains a file with the .purs extension


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'<=> 'The symbol used before displaying the version of PureScript.
detect_extensions['purs']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['spago.dhall', 'spago.yaml', 'spago.lock']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold white'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the purescript module.


version0.13.5The version of purescript
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [$symbol$version](bold white)'


The python module shows the currently installed version of Python and the current Python virtual environment if one is activated.

If pyenv_version_name is set to true, it will display the pyenv version name. Otherwise, it will display the version number from python --version.

By default, the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine .python-version-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine Pipfile-Datei
  • The current directory contains a file
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine pyproject.toml-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine requirements.txt-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine tox.ini-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine pixi.toml-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine Datei mit der .py-Erweiterung.
  • The current directory contains a file with the .ipynb extension.
  • Ein virtualenv ist momentan aktiv


format'via [${symbol}${pyenv_prefix}(${version} )(\($virtualenv\) )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🐍 'A format string representing the symbol of Python
style'yellow bold'Stil für dieses Modul.
pyenv_version_namefalseVerwende pyenv um die Python-Versionzu beziehen.
pyenv_prefix'pyenv'Prefix before pyenv version display, only used if pyenv is used
python_binary['python', 'python3', 'python2']Configures the python binaries that Starship should executes when getting the version.
detect_extensions['py', 'ipynb']Which extensions should trigger this module
detect_files['.python-version', 'Pipfile', '', 'pyproject.toml', 'requirements.txt', '', 'tox.ini', 'pixi.toml']Which filenames should trigger this module
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das python-Modul.


The python_binary variable accepts either a string or a list of strings. Starship will try executing each binary until it gets a result. Note you can only change the binary that Starship executes to get the version of Python not the arguments that are used.

The default values and order for python_binary was chosen to first identify the Python version in a virtualenv/conda environments (which currently still add a python, no matter if it points to python3 or python2). This has the side effect that if you still have a system Python 2 installed, it may be picked up before any Python 3 (at least on Linux Distros that always symlink /usr/bin/python to Python 2). If you do not work with Python 2 anymore but cannot remove the system Python 2, changing this to 'python3' will hide any Python version 2, see example below.


version'v3.8.1'The version of python
symbol'🐍 'Spiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style'yellow bold'Spiegelt den Wert der Option style
pyenv_prefix'pyenv 'Mirrors the value of option pyenv_prefix
virtualenv'venv'The current virtualenv name


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '👾 '
pyenv_version_name = true
# ~/.config/starship.toml

# Only use the `python3` binary to get the version.
python_binary = 'python3'
# ~/.config/starship.toml

# Don't trigger for files with the py extension
detect_extensions = []


The quarto module shows the current installed version of Quarto used in a project.

By default, the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a _quarto.yml file
  • The current directory contains any *.qmd file


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'⨁ 'A format string representing the symbol of Quarto
style'bold #75AADB'Stil für dieses Modul.
detect_extensions['.qmd']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['_quarto.yml']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
disabledfalseDisables the quarto module.


version1.4.549The version of quarto
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


The rlang module shows the currently installed version of R. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a file with the .R extension.
  • The current directory contains a file with the .Rd extension.
  • The current directory contains a file with the .Rmd extension.
  • The current directory contains a file with the .Rproj extension.
  • The current directory contains a file with the .Rsx extension.
  • The current directory contains a .Rprofile file
  • The current directory contains a .Rproj.user folder


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'📐'A format string representing the symbol of R.
style'blue bold'Stil für dieses Modul.
detect_extensions['R', 'Rd', 'Rmd', 'Rproj', 'Rsx']Which extensions should trigger this module
detect_files['.Rprofile']Which filenames should trigger this module
detect_folders['.Rproj.user']Which folders should trigger this module
disabledfalseDisables the r module.


versionv4.0.5The version of R
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style'blue bold'Spiegelt den Wert der Option style


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'with [📐 $version](blue bold) '


The raku module shows the currently installed version of Raku. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a META6.json file
  • The current directory contains a .p6, .pm6, .raku, .rakumod or .pod6


format'via [$symbol($version-$vm_version )]($style)'The format string for the module.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🦋 'The symbol used before displaying the version of Raku
detect_extensions['p6', 'pm6', 'pod6', 'raku', 'rakumod']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['META6.json']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold 149'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the raku module.


versionv6.dThe version of raku
vm_versionmoarThe version of VM raku is built on
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [🦪 $version]($style) '


By default the red module shows the currently installed version of Red. Das Modul wird gezeigt, wenn mindestens einer der folgenden Punkte erfüllt ist:

  • The current directory contains a file with .red or .reds extension


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🔺 'A format string representing the symbol of Red.
detect_extensions['red']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files[]Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'red bold'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the red module.


versionv2.5.1The version of red
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '🔴 '


By default the ruby module shows the currently installed version of Ruby. Das Modul wird gezeigt, wenn mindestens einer der folgenden Punkte erfüllt ist:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine Gemfile-Datei
  • The current directory contains a .ruby-version file
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine .rb-Datei
  • The environment variables RUBY_VERSION or RBENV_VERSION are set

Starship gets the current Ruby version by running ruby -v.


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'💎 'A format string representing the symbol of Ruby.
detect_extensions['rb']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['Gemfile', '.ruby-version']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
detect_variables['RUBY_VERSION', 'RBENV_VERSION']Which environment variables should trigger this module.
style'bold red'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das ruby-Modul.


versionv2.5.1The version of ruby
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style
gemsettestOptional, gets the current RVM gemset name.

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '🔺 '


By default the rust module shows the currently installed version of Rust. Das Modul wird gezeigt, wenn mindestens einer der folgenden Punkte erfüllt ist:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine Cargo.toml-Datei
  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine Datei mit der .rs-Erweiterung


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🦀 'A format string representing the symbol of Rust
detect_extensions['rs']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['Cargo.toml']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold red'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das rust-Modul.


versionv1.43.0-nightlyThe version of rustc
numver1.51.0The numeric component of the rustc version
toolchainbetaThe toolchain version
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [⚙️ $version](red bold)'


The scala module shows the currently installed version of Scala. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a build.sbt, .scalaenv or .sbtenv file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .scala or .sbt extension
  • The current directory contains a directory named .metals


format'via [${symbol}(${version} )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
detect_extensions['sbt', 'scala']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['.scalaenv', '.sbtenv', 'build.sbt']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders['.metals']Which folders should trigger this modules.
symbol'🆂 'A format string representing the symbol of Scala.
style'red dimmed'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the scala module.


version2.13.5The version of scala
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '🌟 '


The shell module shows an indicator for currently used shell.


Dieses Modul ist standardmäßig deaktiviert. Setze in deiner Konfiguration disabled auf false um es zu aktivieren.


bash_indicator'bsh'A format string used to represent bash.
fish_indicator'fsh'A format string used to represent fish.
zsh_indicator'zsh'A format string used to represent zsh.
powershell_indicator'psh'A format string used to represent powershell.
pwsh_indicatorA format string used to represent pwsh. The default value mirrors the value of powershell_indicator.
ion_indicator'ion'A format string used to represent ion.
elvish_indicator'esh'A format string used to represent elvish.
tcsh_indicator'tsh'A format string used to represent tcsh.
xonsh_indicator'xsh'A format string used to represent xonsh.
cmd_indicator'cmd'A format string used to represent cmd.
nu_indicator'nu'A format string used to represent nu.
unknown_indicator''The default value to be displayed when the shell is unknown.
format'[$indicator]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
style'white bold'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledtrueDisables the shell module.


indicatorMirrors the value of indicator for currently used shell.
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style.

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

fish_indicator = '󰈺 '
powershell_indicator = '_'
unknown_indicator = 'mystery shell'
style = 'cyan bold'
disabled = false


The shlvl module shows the current SHLVL ('shell level') environment variable, if it is set to a number and meets or exceeds the specified threshold.


threshold2Display threshold.
format'[$symbol$shlvl]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol'↕️ 'The symbol used to represent the SHLVL.
repeatfalseCauses symbol to be repeated by the current SHLVL amount.
repeat_offset0Decrements number of times symbol is repeated by the offset value
style'bold yellow'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledtrueDisables the shlvl module.


shlvl3The current value of SHLVL
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = false
format = '$shlvl level(s) down'
threshold = 3

Using repeat and repeat_offset along with character module, one can get prompt like ❯❯❯ where last character is colored appropriately for return status code and preceding characters are provided by shlvl.

# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = false
format = '[$symbol$shlvl]($style)'
repeat = true
symbol = '❯'
repeat_offset = 1
threshold = 0


The singularity module shows the current Singularity image, if inside a container and $SINGULARITY_NAME is set.


format'[$symbol\[$env\]]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
symbol''A format string displayed before the image name.
style'bold dimmed blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the singularity module.


envcentos.imgThe current Singularity image
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = '[📦 \[$env\]]($style) '


The solidity module shows the currently installed version of Solidity The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a file with the .sol extension


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${major}.${minor}.${patch}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'S 'A format string representing the symbol of Solidity
`compiler['solc']The default compiler for Solidity.
detect_extensions['sol']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files[]Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables this module.


versionv0.8.1The version of solidity
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml
format = "via [S $version](blue bold)"


The spack module shows the current Spack environment, if $SPACK_ENV is set.


truncation_length1The number of directories the environment path should be truncated to. 0 bedeutet keine Kürzung. Beachte auch die Beschreibung für das directory Modul.
symbol'🅢 'Symbol das vor dem Umgebungsnamen angezeigt wird.
style'bold blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
format'via [$symbol$environment]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the spack module.


environmentastronautsThe current spack environment
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = '[$symbol$environment](dimmed blue) '


The status module displays the exit code of the previous command. If $success_symbol is empty (default), the module will be shown only if the exit code is not 0. The status code will cast to a signed 32-bit integer.


Dieses Modul ist standardmäßig deaktiviert. Setze in deiner Konfiguration disabled auf false um es zu aktivieren.


format'[$symbol$status]($style) 'The format of the module
symbol'❌'The symbol displayed on program error
success_symbol''The symbol displayed on program success
not_executable_symbol'🚫'The symbol displayed when file isn't executable
not_found_symbol'🔍'The symbol displayed when the command can't be found
sigint_symbol'🧱'The symbol displayed on SIGINT (Ctrl + c)
signal_symbol'⚡'The symbol displayed on any signal
style'bold red'Stil für dieses Modul.
success_styleThe style used on program success (defaults to style if unset).
failure_styleThe style used on program failure (defaults to style if unset).
recognize_signal_codetrueEnable signal mapping from exit code
map_symbolfalseEnable symbols mapping from exit code
pipestatusfalseEnable pipestatus reporting
pipestatus_separator|The symbol used to separate pipestatus segments (supports formatting)
pipestatus_format'\[$pipestatus\] => [$symbol$common_meaning$signal_name$maybe_int]($style) 'The format of the module when the command is a pipeline
pipestatus_segment_formatWhen specified, replaces format when formatting pipestatus segments
disabledtrueDisables the status module.


status127The exit code of the last command
hex_status0x7FThe exit code of the last command in hex
int127The exit code of the last command
common_meaningERRORMeaning of the code if not a signal
signal_number9Signal number corresponding to the exit code, only if signalled
signal_nameKILLName of the signal corresponding to the exit code, only if signalled
maybe_int7Contains the exit code number when no meaning has been found
pipestatusRendering of in pipeline programs' exit codes, this is only available in pipestatus_format
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Mirrors the value of option success_style on program success and failure_style otherwise

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

style = 'bg:blue'
symbol = '🔴 '
success_symbol = '🟢 SUCCESS'
format = '[\[$symbol$common_meaning$signal_name$maybe_int\]]($style) '
map_symbol = true
disabled = false


The sudo module displays if sudo credentials are currently cached. The module will only be shown if credentials are cached.


Dieses Modul ist standardmäßig deaktiviert. Setze in deiner Konfiguration disabled auf false um es zu aktivieren.


format'[as $symbol]($style)'The format of the module
symbol'🧙 'The symbol displayed when credentials are cached
style'bold blue'Stil für dieses Modul.
allow_windowsfalseSince windows has no default sudo, default is disabled.
disabledtrueDisables the sudo module.


symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

style = 'bold green'
symbol = '👩‍💻 '
disabled = false
# On windows
# $HOME\.starship\config.toml

allow_windows = true
disabled = false


By default the swift module shows the currently installed version of Swift. Das Modul wird gezeigt, wenn mindestens einer der folgenden Punkte erfüllt ist:

  • The current directory contains a Package.swift file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .swift extension


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'🐦 'A format string representing the symbol of Swift
detect_extensions['swift']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['Package.swift']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold 202'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the swift module.


versionv5.2.4The version of swift
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [🏎  $version](red bold)'


The terraform module shows the currently selected Terraform workspace and version.


By default the Terraform version is not shown, since this is slow for current versions of Terraform when a lot of plugins are in use. If you still want to enable it, follow the example shown below.

By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine .terraform-Datei
  • Current directory contains a file with the .tf, .tfplan or .tfstate extensions


format'via [$symbol$workspace]($style) 'The format string for the module.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'💠'A format string shown before the terraform workspace.
detect_extensions['tf', 'tfplan', 'tfstate']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files[]Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders['.terraform']Which folders should trigger this module.
style'bold 105'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDeaktiviert das terraform Modul.


versionv0.12.24The version of terraform
workspacedefaultThe current Terraform workspace
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


With Terraform Version

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = '[🏎💨 $version$workspace]($style) '

Without Terraform version

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = '[🏎💨 $workspace]($style) '


Das time Modul zeigt die aktuelle lokale Zeit an. Der format Wert wird von der crate chrono benutzt um die Zeit zu formatieren. Schau dir die chrono strftime Dokumentation an, um die möglichen Optionen zu sehen.


Dieses Modul ist standardmäßig deaktiviert. Setze in deiner Konfiguration disabled auf false um es zu aktivieren.


format'at [$time]($style) 'The format string for the module.
use_12hrfalseAktiviert 12-Stunden-Format
time_formatsiehe untenDas Format zum Anzeigen der Uhrzeit in chrono-Formatierung.
style'bold yellow'Stil für dieses Modul
utc_time_offset'local'Verwendetes Zeitzonen-Offset. Range from -24 < x < 24. Allows floats to accommodate 30/45 minute timezone offsets.
disabledtrueDeaktiviert das time-Modul.
time_range'-'Sets the time range during which the module will be shown. Times must be specified in 24-hours format

If use_12hr is true, then time_format defaults to '%r'. Otherwise, it defaults to '%T'. Manually setting time_format will override the use_12hr setting.


zeit13:08:10The current time.
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = false
format = '🕙[\[ $time \]]($style) '
time_format = '%T'
utc_time_offset = '-5'
time_range = '10:00:00-14:00:00'


The typst module shows the current installed version of Typst used in a project.

By default, the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Das aktuelle Verzeichnis enthält eine template.typ-Datei
  • The current directory contains any *.typ file


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol't 'A format string representing the symbol of Typst
style'bold #0093A7'Stil für dieses Modul.
detect_extensions['.typ']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['template.typ']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
disabledfalseDisables the typst module.


versionv0.9.0The version of typst, alias for typst_version
typst_versiondefaultThe current Typst version
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


Das username Modul zeigt den Namen des aktiven Benutzers. Das Modul wird gezeigt, wenn mindestens einer der folgenden Punkte erfüllt ist:

  • The current user is root/admin
  • Der aktuelle Benutzer ist nicht der eingeloggte Benutzer
  • Der Benutzer ist aktuell via SSH verbunden
  • Die Variable show_always ist auf true gesetzt
  • The array detect_env_vars contains at least the name of one environment variable, that is set


SSH connection is detected by checking environment variables SSH_CONNECTION, SSH_CLIENT, and SSH_TTY. If your SSH host does not set up these variables, one workaround is to set one of them with a dummy value.


style_root'bold red'The style used when the user is root/admin.
style_user'bold yellow'Stil wenn der Benutzer nicht unter root läuft.
detect_env_vars[]Which environment variable(s) should trigger this module.
format'[$user]($style) in 'Das Format für das Modul.
show_alwaysfalseImmer das username Modul anzeigen.
disabledfalseDeavktiviert das username Modul.
aliases{}Translate system usernames to something else.


style'red bold'Mirrors the value of option style_root when root is logged in and style_user otherwise.
user'matchai'The currently logged-in user ID.


Always show the username

# ~/.config/starship.toml

style_user = 'white bold'
style_root = 'black bold'
format = 'user: [$user]($style) '
disabled = false
show_always = true
aliases = { "corpuser034g" = "matchai" }


The vagrant module shows the currently installed version of Vagrant. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a Vagrantfile file


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'⍱ 'A format string representing the symbol of Vagrant.
detect_extensions[]Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['Vagrantfile']Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'cyan bold'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the vagrant module.


versionVagrant 2.2.10The version of Vagrant
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'via [⍱ $version](bold white) '


The vlang module shows you your currently installed version of V. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a file with .v extension
  • The current directory contains a v.mod, vpkg.json or .vpkg-lock.json file


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'V 'A format string representing the symbol of V
detect_extensions['v']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files['v.mod', 'vpkg.json', '.vpkg-lock.json' ]Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.
style'blue bold'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the vlang module.


versionv0.2The version of v
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style


# ~/.config/starship.toml
format = 'via [V $version](blue bold) '


The vcsh module displays the current active VCSH repository. The module will be shown only if a repository is currently in use.


symbol''The symbol used before displaying the repository name.
style'bold yellow'Stil für dieses Modul.
format'vcsh [$symbol$repo]($style) 'Das Format für das Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the vcsh module.


repodotfiles if in a VCSH repo named dotfilesThe active repository name
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*black bold dimmedSpiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = '[🆅 $repo](bold blue) '


By default the zig module shows the currently installed version of Zig. Das Modul wird gezeigt, wenn mindestens einer der folgenden Punkte erfüllt ist:

  • The current directory contains a .zig file


format'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
version_format'v${raw}'The version format. Available vars are raw, major, minor, & patch
symbol'↯ 'The symbol used before displaying the version of Zig.
style'bold yellow'Stil für dieses Modul.
disabledfalseDisables the zig module.
detect_extensions['zig']Which extensions should trigger this module.
detect_files[]Which filenames should trigger this module.
detect_folders[]Which folders should trigger this module.


versionv0.6.0The version of zig
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = '⚡️ '

Custom commands

The custom modules show the output of some arbitrary commands.

These modules will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a file whose name is in detect_files
  • The current directory contains a directory whose name is in detect_folders
  • The current directory contains a file whose extension is in detect_extensions
  • The when command returns 0
  • The current Operating System (std::env::consts::OS) matches with os field if defined.


Multiple custom modules can be defined by using a ..


The order in which custom modules are shown can be individually set by including ${} in the top level format (as it includes a dot, you need to use ${...}). By default, the custom module will simply show all custom modules in the order they were defined.


Issue #1252 contains examples of custom modules. If you have an interesting example not covered there, feel free to share it there!

If unsafe_no_escape is enabled or prior to starship v1.20 command output is printed unescaped to the prompt.

Whatever output the command generates is printed unmodified in the prompt. This means if the output contains shell-specific interpretable sequences, they could be interpreted on display. Depending on the shell, this can mean that e.g. strings enclosed by backticks are executed by the shell. Such sequences are usually shell specific, e.g. you can write a command module that writes bash sequences, e.g. \h, but this module will not work in a fish or zsh shell.

Format strings can also contain shell specific prompt sequences, e.g. Bash, Zsh.


command''The command whose output should be printed. The command will be passed on stdin to the shell.
whenfalseEither a boolean value (true or false, without quotes) or a string shell command used as a condition to show the module. In case of a string, the module will be shown if the shell returns a 0 status code from executing it.
require_repofalseIf true, the module will only be shown in paths containing a (git) repository. This option alone is not sufficient display condition in absence of other options.
shellSee below
beschreibung'<custom module>'The description of the module that is shown when running starship explain.
unsafe_no_escapefalseWhen set, command output is not escaped of characters that could be interpreted by the shell.
detect_files[]The files that will be searched in the working directory for a match.
detect_folders[]The directories that will be searched in the working directory for a match.
detect_extensions[]The extensions that will be searched in the working directory for a match.
symbol''The symbol used before displaying the command output.
style'bold green'Stil für dieses Modul.
format'[$symbol($output )]($style)'Das Format für das Modul.
disabledfalseDisables this custom module.
osOperating System name on which the module will be shown (unix, linux, macos, windows, ... ) See possible values.
use_stdinAn optional boolean value that overrides whether commands should be forwarded to the shell via the standard input or as an argument. If unset standard input is used by default, unless the shell does not support it (cmd, nushell). Setting this disables shell-specific argument handling.
ignore_timeoutfalseIgnore global command_timeout setting and keep running external commands, no matter how long they take.


outputThe output of command run in shell
symbolSpiegelt den Wert der Option symbol
style*Spiegelt den Wert der Option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string

Custom command shell

shell accepts a non-empty list of strings, where:

  • The first string is the path to the shell to use to execute the command.
  • Other following arguments are passed to the shell.

If unset, it will fallback to STARSHIP_SHELL and then to 'sh' on Linux, and 'cmd /C' on Windows.

The command (and when, if applicable) will be passed in on stdin.

If shell is not given or only contains one element and Starship detects PowerShell will be used, the following arguments will automatically be added: -NoProfile -Command -. If shell is not given or only contains one element and Starship detects Cmd will be used, the following argument will automatically be added: /C and stdin will be set to false. If shell is not given or only contains one element and Starship detects Nushell will be used, the following arguments will automatically be added: -c and stdin will be set to false. This behavior can be avoided by explicitly passing arguments to the shell, e.g.

shell = ['pwsh', '-Command', '-']

Make sure your custom shell configuration exits gracefully

If you set a custom command, make sure that the default Shell used by starship will properly execute the command with a graceful exit (via the shell option).

For example, PowerShell requires the -Command parameter to execute a one liner. Omitting this parameter might throw starship into a recursive loop where the shell might try to load a full profile environment with starship itself again and hence re-execute the custom command, getting into a never ending loop.

Parameters similar to -NoProfile in PowerShell are recommended for other shells as well to avoid extra loading time of a custom profile on every starship invocation.

Automatic detection of shells and proper parameters addition are currently implemented, but it's possible that not all shells are covered. Please open an issue with shell details and starship configuration if you hit such scenario.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

command = 'echo foo' # shows output of command
detect_files = ['foo'] # can specify filters but wildcards are not supported
when = ''' test "$HOME" = "$PWD" '''
format = ' transcending [$output]($style)'

command = 'time /T'
detect_extensions = ['pst'] # filters *.pst files
shell = ['pwsh.exe', '-NoProfile', '-Command', '-']

command = 'time /T'
detect_extensions = ['pst'] # filters *.pst files
shell = ['pwsh.exe', '-NoProfile', '-Command']
use_stdin = false