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Nerd Font Symbols Preset

This preset changes the symbols for each module to use Nerd Font symbols.

Screenshot of Nerd Font Symbols preset

المتطلبات الأساسية

  • A Nerd Font installed and enabled in your terminal (the example uses Fira Code Nerd Font)


starship preset nerd-font-symbols -o ~/.config/starship.toml

Click to download TOML

symbol = "  "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

read_only = " 󰌾"

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

tag_symbol = '  '

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

ssh_symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = "󰍛 "

symbol = "󰔷 "

symbol = "󰆥 "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

Alpaquita = " "
Alpine = " "
AlmaLinux = " "
Amazon = " "
Android = " "
Arch = " "
Artix = " "
CentOS = " "
Debian = " "
DragonFly = " "
Emscripten = " "
EndeavourOS = " "
Fedora = " "
FreeBSD = " "
Garuda = "󰛓 "
Gentoo = " "
HardenedBSD = "󰞌 "
Illumos = "󰈸 "
Kali = " "
Linux = " "
Mabox = " "
Macos = " "
Manjaro = " "
Mariner = " "
MidnightBSD = " "
Mint = " "
NetBSD = " "
NixOS = " "
OpenBSD = "󰈺 "
openSUSE = " "
OracleLinux = "󰌷 "
Pop = " "
Raspbian = " "
Redhat = " "
RedHatEnterprise = " "
RockyLinux = " "
Redox = "󰀘 "
Solus = "󰠳 "
SUSE = " "
Ubuntu = " "
Unknown = " "
Void = " "
Windows = "󰍲 "

symbol = "󰏗 "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = "󰟔 "

symbol = " "

symbol = "󱘗 "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "