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Powrót do ustawień predefiniowanych

Ustawienia Tokyo Night

Ten zestaw ustawień jest inspirowany tokyo-night-vscode-theme.

Zrzut ekranu ustawień Tokio Night

Wymagania wstępne

  • Czcionka typu Nerd Font zainstalowana i włączona w twoim terminalu


starship preset tokyo-night -o ~/.config/starship.toml

Click to download TOML

format = """
[  ](bg:#a3aed2 fg:#090c0c)\
[](bg:#769ff0 fg:#a3aed2)\
[](fg:#769ff0 bg:#394260)\
[](fg:#394260 bg:#212736)\
[](fg:#212736 bg:#1d2230)\
[ ](fg:#1d2230)\

style = "fg:#e3e5e5 bg:#769ff0"
format = "[ $path ]($style)"
truncation_length = 3
truncation_symbol = "…/"

"Documents" = "󰈙 "
"Downloads" = " "
"Music" = " "
"Pictures" = " "

symbol = ""
style = "bg:#394260"
format = '[[ $symbol $branch ](fg:#769ff0 bg:#394260)]($style)'

style = "bg:#394260"
format = '[[($all_status$ahead_behind )](fg:#769ff0 bg:#394260)]($style)'

symbol = ""
style = "bg:#212736"
format = '[[ $symbol ($version) ](fg:#769ff0 bg:#212736)]($style)'

symbol = ""
style = "bg:#212736"
format = '[[ $symbol ($version) ](fg:#769ff0 bg:#212736)]($style)'

symbol = ""
style = "bg:#212736"
format = '[[ $symbol ($version) ](fg:#769ff0 bg:#212736)]($style)'

symbol = ""
style = "bg:#212736"
format = '[[ $symbol ($version) ](fg:#769ff0 bg:#212736)]($style)'

disabled = false
time_format = "%R" # Hour:Minute Format
style = "bg:#1d2230"
format = '[[  $time ](fg:#a0a9cb bg:#1d2230)]($style)'