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Jetpack Preset

This is a pseudo minimalist preset inspired by the geometry and spaceship prompts.

Jetpack uses the terminal's color theme.

Screenshot of Jetpack preset



starship preset jetpack -o ~/.config/starship.toml

Click to download TOML

format = """

right_format = """

add_newline = true

format = "$symbol "
success_symbol = "[◉](bold italic bright-yellow)"
error_symbol = "[⊘](italic purple)"

[env_var.VIMSHELL] # vim subshell
format = "[$env_value]($style)"
style = 'green italic'

format = "[$symbol]($style)"
style = "italic bright-purple"
symbol = "◇┈"
disabled = false

style_user = "yellow bold"
style_root = "purple bold italic"
format = "[$user]($style) ▻ "
disabled = false

home_symbol = "⌂"
truncation_length = 2
truncation_symbol = "▦ "
read_only = " ■"
style = "italic blue"
format = ' [$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style)'

min_time = 500
format = "[$duration ](italic bright-yellow)"

format = "[ $symbol$number]($style)"
style = "white"
symbol = "[▶ ](blue italic)"

ssh_only = true
format = " ◯[$localipv4](bold magenta)"
disabled = false

disabled = false
format = "[ $time]($style)"
time_format = "%R"
utc_time_offset = "local"
style = "dimmed white"

format = "[ $percentage $symbol]($style)"
full_symbol = "[█](italic green)"
charging_symbol = "[↑](italic green)"
discharging_symbol = "[↓](italic)"
unknown_symbol = "[░](italic)"
empty_symbol = "[▃](italic red)"

threshold = 40
style = "dimmed yellow"

threshold = 70
style = "dimmed white"

format = "[ $symbol $branch(:$remote_branch)]($style)"
symbol = "[◬](bold bright-blue)"
style = "bold italic bright-blue"

style = "italic bright-blue"
format = """([⎪$ahead_behind$staged$modified$untracked$renamed$deleted$conflicted$stashed⎥]($style))"""
conflicted = "[◪◦](italic bright-magenta)"
ahead = "[▲│[${count}](bold white)│](italic green)"
behind = "[▽│[${count}](bold white)│](italic red)"
diverged = "[◇ ▲┤[${ahead_count}](regular white)│▽┤[${behind_count}](regular white)│](italic bright-magenta)"
untracked = "[◌◦](italic bright-yellow)"
stashed = "[◦◫◦](italic white)"
modified = "[●◦](italic yellow)"
staged = "[■┤[$count](bold white)│](italic bright-cyan)"
renamed = "[◎◦](italic bright-blue)"
deleted = "[✕](italic red)"

format = " deno [∫ $version](blue italic)"
version_format = "${major}.${minor}"

format = " lua [${symbol}${version}]($style)"
symbol = "⨀ "
style = "italic bright-yellow"

format = " node [◫ ($version)](italic bright-green)"
detect_files = ["package-lock.json", "yarn.lock"]
version_format = "${major}.${minor}"

format = " py [${symbol}${version}]($style)"
symbol = "[⌉](italic bright-blue)⌊ "
version_format = "${major}.${minor}"
style = "italic bright-yellow"

format = " rb [${symbol}${version}]($style)"
symbol = "◆ "
version_format = "${major}.${minor}"
style = "italic red"

format = " rs [$symbol$version]($style)"
symbol = "⊃ "
version_format = "${major}.${minor}"
style = "italic red"

format = " pkg [$symbol$version]($style)"
version_format = "${major}.${minor}"
symbol = "◫ "
style = "bright-yellow italic"

format = " sw [${symbol}${version}]($style)"
symbol = "◁ "
style = "italic bright-red"
version_format = "${major}.${minor}"

format = " aws [$symbol $profile $region]($style)"
style = "italic blue"
symbol = "▲ "

symbol = "■ "
format = " buf [$symbol $version $buf_version]($style)"

symbol = "∁ "
format = " c [$symbol($version(-$name))]($style)"

symbol = "◯ "
format = " conda [$symbol$environment]($style)"

symbol = "◁◅ "
format = " dart [$symbol($version )]($style)"

symbol = "◧ "
format = " docker [$symbol$context]($style)"

symbol = "△ "
format = " exs [$symbol $version OTP $otp_version ]($style)"

symbol = "◩ "
format = " elm [$symbol($version )]($style)"

symbol = "∩ "
format = " go [$symbol($version )]($style)"

symbol = "❯λ "
format = " hs [$symbol($version )]($style)"

symbol = "∪ "
format = " java [${symbol}(${version} )]($style)"

symbol = "◎ "
format = " jl [$symbol($version )]($style)"

symbol = "▪▫▪ "
format = " mem [${ram}( ${swap})]($style)"

symbol = "▴▲▴ "
format = " nim [$symbol($version )]($style)"

symbol = "⊛ "
format = " nix [$symbol$state $name]($style)"

symbol = "◇ "
format = " spack [$symbol$environment]($style)"